Saturday, September 30, 2017

Photoman Service At Vikings, Mall of Asia

We serviced a client in Vikings Mall of Asia, September 23, 2017. It was for a birthday and Christening celebration in one for a one year old girl. We are thankful that it went all fine as we delivered the service in time and as expected by the client.
It is actually our very first Photoman service client as we used to just offer Photobooth and Photography services. So, we are really glad that it went all fine and we seen the guests happy with the result.
What is a Photoman service? It is a service in which there is a roving photographer and all his shots will be directly in sync with the computer and then to the printer for immediate print out. It was like a walking Photobooth as it was commonly defined in that manner.
It is a better option for those events with limited spaces or to those who prefer to just have their photos taken where ever they would like it to be taken in the event's place and not just in a booth. Our set up for today in the photo below. Used my mobile phone Oppo A37f for the photos on this post.
We had a table for the laptop and there was a monitor too placed back to back with it for the slide show of the photos that were already taken. Then we have a printer and, we brought plenty of photo paper and standees to make sure that we will not have a shortage. It was necessary to bring lots of those since the number of print outs will vary. The service lasted for four hours.
We arrived early to set up and so, we got the chance to also see the designing team while preparing the event's place. Below is a photo I took while the place was being designed.
... and a photo showing some of our print outs/output in the event.


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