Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Various Self Defense Weapons

There are lots of crimes happening everywhere and it could happen to anyone, so better be prepared to depend yourself or your loved ones.

One way to defend yourself from attackers is through using various self defense weapons. It comes from many forms and there are various products to choose from such as pepper sprays and stun gun devices. These self defense products are meant to give you enough time to call for help or escape the attacker. It can be coined to be essential items.

Disguised self defense weapons can give more advantage since it has the element of surprise for attackers. Also it is becoming a trend as some items are becoming more fashionable than before. The pepper sprays are widely used or popular self defense item, and it can cause extreme pain, coughing, choking, shortness of breath and eyes inflammation. It can be disguised as a lipstick dispenser, a ball point pen and perfume dispenser. While stun devices uses their electrical charges to cause the attacker's body to overwork rapidly and lose energy. Famous disguised for a stun device is the cellular phone, it can be disguised too as a flashlight, electric shaver and perfume spray bottle. Although there could be issues in legality of carrying stun gun devices on some places, better to be aware of those.

It is very important that we know how to depend ourselves since there are bad elements almost in any places. Even in your least expected places, it is important to be alert and have presence of mind for whatever might happen but not to the point of being paranoid or too panicking. Having these self defense weapons can help us feel more safe then not having them together with the skills or knowledge of self defense.

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