Saturday, August 26, 2017

Introducing Steemit to Others: Get Ready for Questions

I have written a post about an event I attended last time and how I was able to at least have a chance to introduce Steemit to some of the attendees there. PayPal Freelancer Community Summit Held at Manila Peninsula Hotel, Philippines

Since attendees were freelancers, the first question asked to me was what site I am currently working with and/or what is my work online. I briefly mentioned about being a reviewer, encoder etc and then mentioned Steemit. It was my first time to share Steemit to somebody else as I wanted to share this site first to my friends personally but have not have the chance yet to meet them in person. It is because I believe that it will be easier for them to understand the site with a personal approach.
So, I first mentioned Steemit to some of my fellow freelancers in the event that I met for the first time and they were excited to know more about it. They are open for opportunities and it was not that hard to introduce a site to them because they have experiences already on various online earning sites.
As expected, they have various questions about Steemit and below are some of those with my answers based on what I have learned so far from this site for being a member for 2 months. I hope I was able to have a review before this question and answer portion. :D

Question: What is Steemit?
Answer: Steemit is a writing/blogging site which you can also earn from it.

Question: What niches/topics we can write on Steemit?
Answer: Literally, anything under the sun. You can write about your passion or about the topics that you are really familiar with.

Question: How those blogs/writings earn on Steemit?
Answer: Earnings will depends on the votes/upvotes your article will get. Example, when you post on Facebook there will be likes on it but you will not earn anything from it. In Steemit, those likes are called upvotes and it has monetary value.

Question: How can we withdraw our earnings in Steemit?
Answer: You will need to have a Bitcoin account cause earnings in Steemit is in the form of Steem dollar in which you will need to convert before you can receive it to your bank accounts or preferred mode of payment. (This one I think is the hardest to explain especially for those who are not even familiar with cryptocurrencies or even Bitcoin. So, I gave them some brief explanation about it and I hope I was able to explained that well to them.)

Question: Where does Steemit got its earnings? Or how Steemit was able to pay its members?
Answer: There are site/Steem investors and there is what was called reward pool. The rewards is distributed depends on the earnings on your articles and/or the amount of your Steem power. (I hope I am correct with this one. Feel free to answer this in the comment below, thanks. :))

... and so, they asked about Steem power and I answered that it will define the weight or value of your vote. Some have a voting power value of just 0.01 while others even have more than a hundred and those are called whales. So, they asked about whales...

You should really be ready in answering questions like these when introducing Steemit to others. :D
I was able to convince them to write on my notebook their names, email addresses and desired Steemit usernames if ever they will sign up. This is for me to be able to send them follow up emails. So far, only one replied and with no assurance yet of signing up. He just said that he will check out the site.

I also took some photos of them but I feel that it will be better to share those here when they signed up already and made their introductory post. I really hope that they will sign up. :D

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