Friday, August 4, 2017

Become Earthquake Ready

Earthquake will happen whether we like it or not. It is part or nature of our beloved mother earth to have moving plates proving that this place where we live in is alive and continuously changing. This change is inevitable.

One way to be earthquake ready is to be aware of the place where we live, work or go. It is important to know if a certain place has fault lines so that to avoid building houses or establishments on it. Another way to be earthquake ready is to know what part of the house has strong foundation or has strong materials where you could probably hide when an earthquake happens. Also Know where is the nearest exit door and if there is an open ground where it is much safer to stay rather than inside tall buildings and establishments.

Storing food and water for emergencies are also necessary and having a first aid kit. Keeping a battery operated radio and making sure that cell phones are fully charged. If possible, shut down the main power source to avoid fire after earthquake. Most of all is to pray for God's guidance.

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