Monday, August 14, 2017

Majayjay Falls In Laguna, Philippines

Majayjay falls, beautiful falls located inside a Tropical Rainforest. Makes it more enchanting for the tourist for both locals and overseas.


Its have been years ago already but it was so memorable and I can still remember every details of it. It was our yearly elementary classmates reunion and we make sure that it will be an exciting tour for us. Although it was just the three of us (with my two close elementary friends as others were too busy to come that time). It was very memorable since it was our first time to experienced camping in the rainforest. My first time to experience camping ever.

It took us more than five hours drive from the city to reach a rural area in Laguna where Mount Banahaw was located. It was because we almost got lost and so, I think we took the long cut instead of the short cut. At least we were able to reached our destination and did not gave up. :D
Mount Banahaw was known as a mystical forest and it was the source of very clear and cold water of the falls. At the foot of that beautiful Mountain lies the midst of rainforest where very beautiful falls called Majayjay can be seen. The water from the falls was so refreshing as it was so cold and we need to adopt to that temperature to be able to enjoy our swimming time in there. It was like swimming in an iced water but once your body gets used to it, you will love it. You can place your drinks in the water to cool it.

And we know that we need to observe responsible tourism in a rainforest to keep the beauty of the place and maintain the cleanliness of the falls. Specially that there are lots of tourists visiting the rainforest and the businesses of the locals there depend their income from those tourists coming.
Some ways how we follow responsible tourism in a rainforest were making sure that we put our garbage on the proper bins and never throw anything on the falls. When we set our tent, we make sure that we placed it on the designated area so that we would not destroy any small plants or affect any creatures on the rainforest. We also make sure to clean our place when we packed up already to ensure that no thrash will be left by us. We can really be responsible tourists and be able to preserved the beauty of rainforest for others to enjoy it too.

Our tent below where we stayed overnight. As a rainforest, we expected rains at night so, we brought blankets but we can still felt the coldness of the place and the night. :)

P.S. Sorry for the low quality photos, did not have a good camera phone that time. :)

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