Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Gardening Scenes #6: Planting Eggplant and Updates

I decided to plant some of our eggplant (Talong is the Filipino term) seeds among the other dried seeds we currently have. It is because I have read on some posts here that it can really grow on a pot and seems not that hard to maintain.

Eggplants are said to be rich with various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin K, niacin vitamin B6, thiamine, magnesium, phosphorous, dietary fiber, potassium , folic acid and manganese. You can also use this vegetable in various dishes. Even just frying or steaming it is already delicious with condiments.
  • I first prepare the pot and the soil. I bought the soil and the natural fertilizer which is rice husks is already mixed with the soil.
  • I added more hole at the bottom of the pot to avoid the water to be stagnant on it. I just used knife on adding holes and it was easy cause it was a plastic pot.
  • Then I place the soil in the pot and dig a hole which is not too deep. Then put the dried eggplant seeds on it then covered it with soil.
  • I placed the pot outside besides the pot I have for the tomato seedlings. The tomato seedling are just keep growing each day and I hope will be able to survive and bear fruits.
I also planted some dried sunflower seeds two days ago and when I checked it earlier, it is starting to grow. I could see the seedlings. I just planted it in the same pot of the tomato seedlings.
I have also seen new leaves growing in the aloe vera part that I needed to cut and then planted as well because it was overgrown.

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