Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mummies and Pyramids of the Ancient Egypt

Have you been fascinated or got curious about Egypt's mummies and pyramids?
When I have read something about Pyramids of Egypt before, I got very curious that I visited our school library to read more about it and of course, to see more photos. Computers were not yet a usual thing that time. I even wanted to become an Archaeologist before as I wanted to discover artifacts from pyramids.
It is usual that we can think about pyramids and mummies if Egypt will be mentioned. Specially with all those movies about ancient Egypt with such topics or settings. Most recent movie that I have watched was The Mummyfeaturing Tom Cruise as the lead actor and Sofia Boutella as the mummy. I enjoyed watching the movie because of its story about an ancient Egypt princess who was mummified alive. I like the horror story on it. This movie also brought back the interest I have before about Egypt.
Ancient Egypt was defined as:
"An ancient civilization of eastern North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. The civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh, and it developed over the next two millennia. Ancient Egypt reached its pinnacle during the New Kingdom, after which it entered a period of slow decline. Egypt was conquered by a succession of foreign powers in this late period, and the rule of the pharaohs officially ended in 31 BC when the early Roman Empire conquered Egypt and made it a province." - based on
  • During those ancient times, mummification was the way how the Egyptians preserve their deceased. I have watched a documentary before and as far as I can remember, that in this process, the internal organs were removed from the deceased body (except the heart) and placed those in jars to be preserved as well. Then the inside part of the body was rinse and will be covered with salt for days. Then the whole body will be wrapped with linen or bandages, and it will be placed in the coffin. Their coffins usually have designs as well and I think more intricate and meaningful designs for those with high position or royal blood. Deceased Pharaohs were buried with treasures.
  • Their embalming process was great cause until this modern age, those mummies can still exist. As I have also read before, their embalmers were so skilled that the tattoos and marks of the mummies can still be seen.

The jars where internal organs were placed are called canopic jars. The god figures on the canopic jars were believed to watch over those organs they contained. The gods on the jars were as follow: Qebehsenuet jar contains the Intestines, Duamutef jar contains the Stomach, Hapy jar the contains Lungs and Imsety contains the Liver. Source

  • Pyramids of Egypt were no doubt one of the most popular and historical structures on earth. Until this modern times, how these pyramids were built was still a puzzle and something to be amazed. These structures were also being linked to extra terrestrial beings/intelligence as people kept wondering how amazing it was done with the use of mainly manpower and primitive equipment.
  • There were also write ups about the possible hidden treasures and purposes of making these pyramids. Such as it can contain energy and it can be a gateway to something greater that man have not fully discovered yet.
"The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. As of November 2008, sources cite either 118 or 138 as the number of identified Egyptian pyramids. Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods. The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser (constructed 2630 BC–2611 BC) which was built during the third dynasty. This pyramid and its surrounding complex were designed by the architect Imhotep, and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures constructed of dressed masonry. The most famous Egyptian pyramids are those found at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Several of the Giza pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built. The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence." - based on

Photo source

I am a postal stamp collector and I would also like to share some of my Egypt's postal stamps on this post.


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