Saturday, October 7, 2017

Gardening Scenes #5: A Seedling From the Dried Seed and Why I Planted the Tomato Seeds

I started seeing a seedling growing in the side of the pot where I planted some dried seeds. Which means the dried seed started to germinates after 7 days of planting it. Below is a photo I took early this morning.
More than 10 seedlings from the fresh seeds I planted are steadily growing. Hoping that at least five of those will become fully grown and produce tomato fruits before the holidays. I actually have not watered the pot after placing it outdoor since there were rains in the past days. Good thing I added more holes in the base/bottom of the pot which allow excess water to just freely flow outside of the pot.
We have several dried seeds that we have been keeping for several months but I decided to plant the tomato seeds first. But why?
Two reasons why I chose planting the tomato seeds.
  • We almost use/consume tomato on a regular basis. In most of our home cooked meals, tomato is included in the ingredients. Just like on sauteing vegetables, menudo (pork cooked with tomato sauce) and Sarciadong Isda (fish sarciado). Below is a photo of Menudo dish.

Photo source
  • It is easy to grow. I am not sure if the other seeds we have is also easy to grow just like the tomato seeds. I am just certain that growing tomato plants is not that hard as we used to have a tomato plant before, and that was just being tossed on the ground without really taking care of it, and we just saw that it grows until about the size of almost producing some fruits.

Photo source

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