Thursday, September 10, 2015

Loving Your Own Pets!!!

Have you heard that when you own a pet, you will live longer? Definitely true because they are much effective than an anti-stress medicine, beyond compare actually. :)

Well for me, you will also look younger! It is because of the smiles and even the laughter that are brought to you by your very lovable and cute pets. Maybe to others they might look weird or scary (for those who have exotic pets like snake or spiders) but of course to the owners, they belonged to the most beautiful creation in the world. It is just like to mothers, their kids are always among the best, no matter what. We can also enter the saying love your own, and patronize your own.

When it comes to dogs, does it matters if you own a dog with breed? well for me, as long as I love them it does not matter. As long that I take care well for them, it does not matter, and as long as we love each other, it does not matter.

I may not have expensive breeds of dogs but for me, they are priceless! Do you feel so welcomed each time you come home? Yes for me, cause I was welcomed not only by the warmth embrace of a relative but also by the jolliest approach of our pets. Even though you were gone for a day (even for hours or minutes) they seemed to be very happy that finally you are home. They seemed to be always missing you and cannot wait to be touched by you or called their names. That is why you cannot wait to hug them and show your affection to them too as they show you their affection to you.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Awesome Island Called Boracay

Someone would say that you have not seen yet the full beauty of the Philippines if you have never been in the Boracay island. It is because you will definitely fall in love with the beach, the white fine sand, the friendly people, the delicious food and the whole island. This is also a place where you can witness the best fire dancers perform their best.

Today, just happened to recall my very first and definitely not the last visit in the enchanting island of Boracay. My friends and I enjoyed a lot of posing for souvenir pictures. Any pose will do, whether it is a jump shot, duck face, look up, side view, frontal, 360, or wacky photo. Well, with a place such lovely and amazing, every shot is a pro! Loved it!

Perks of Being an Online Freelancer

There are several perks or advantages of being an online freelancer. These include no need to deal with the heavy traffic on a regular basis, work in your own space, mostly work in your own time and have time to do other things that you would want to do.

You do not need to file a leave if you do not have a fixed online contract and would want to have a vacation. You will not be much affected of, if whether or not there will be a long weekend holiday and if there are new color coding schemes for transportation.

While those who are parents, not just moms, will have great chances of seeing their kids most of the times. They will be mostly present on their kids parties, activities at school and parent-teacher meetings.

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